Anniston is now 15.1 lbs. (56th percentile) and is 26 1/4 inches long (95 percentile). She is growing so much! She jibber jabbers all of the time and slobbers even more! She likes to suck on her bottom lip and recently has started sucking on her thumb (well, that's when she doesn't have her whole fist in her mouth!) Hopefully this won't become a habit.
This is a picture of Anniston watching Mommy and Daddy play softball. If you can't tell she's hanging out in the dugout in her bumbo chair!
It's dinner time! Now that Anniston is 4 months we've been TRYING to give her rice cereal. Unfortunately, she doesn't like it all that much and more of it ends up on her face and bib then in her tummy!
As you can tell's one of Papi's favorite foods!!!
This is Anniston and her friend Elizabeth eating in the good old BYUH school Cafeteria! Actually, they get to play and watch us eat! Fun!!!
WOW She is so dang Adorable and 10x bigger from when i last saw her!!!
I just wanted to tell you that you have the most beautiful baby I have ever seen!
hello hello...Looks like you guys are having a blast. Aniston keeps getting cuter and cuter! Hope the dorms are treating you well Actually I hope the CAF is treating you even better.
Hey Cottles! I found your blog on jason and michelle's. Just wanted to say that it was great to have you two gals around at the beach the other weekend. Anniston is such a good girl!! Hope all is great!
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