Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Anniston!!!

It's the Birthday Girl! Wow! We can't believe a year has already gone by! We love our little Princess girl and are so grateful she is ours!!! She is now walking, talking and eating a lot more! Anniston actually had 3 birthday parties! What a lucky girl! Because we weren't going to be in Utah over her birthday, the grandparents still wanted to celebrate it! This is a picture of the first one --- it was with our extended family and friends.

This was the birthday cake that I made for party number two with just our close family members! It's bright and colorful - and was fun to make - I' glad it turned out okay!
As you can see Anniston had no problem with shoving cake into her mouth!!!
This is a picture of party number three - here in Pennsylvania - and this time it was really her birthday! We had the Nickle's and the Harris' over for some cake and icecream! They are both great families that we have met here in Lock Haven!


Crystal & Brandon said...

those birthday parties look like so much fun! i wish i was there... especially to try that cake. good job! it looked fantastic. i cant wait for more updates on whats going in with you guys. we sure miss you and love you

Marianela Torrentera said...

FELICIDADES ANNISTON!!! Tienen una hermosa hija, les mandamos saludos, nos da mucho gusto saber de ustedes!!

mh said...

I can't believe she is already one! she is so cute!

Holly said...

Wow-I can't believe your little girl in 1 already! She is a cutie! I love the cake!