Friday, February 12, 2010

Random sampler

Bethany and Anniston in Hersey, PA. If you know Anniston you know she LOVES her chocolate milk, so this little "chocolate bank" is perfect for Anniston

This pictures merits explanation. Last week Stacey heard Anniston wake up in the morning and start calling "mom, mom, mom...." This is normal for Anniston in the morning, what wasn't normal was what Stacey found when we walked into Anniston's room. Anniston had taken off her PJ's AND her diaper and was standing desnuda holding her diaper calling for mom!

CRAZY hair!

It was two of our friends birthdays here on the same day. Stacey and Bethy got ambitious and decided to make them a fruit bouquet.

Anniston's hair is now long enough to do THIS!

Cutie Pie!

What is Anniston going to do when Bethy is gone?!?


Mom and Kenz said...

So cute. She almost looked a little like Bethany in some of those pictures.

And way to go Stacey and Bethany. Love the fruit boquets!