Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Getting behind....

I really don't like getting behind on the blog. I feel like I have to cover everything between then and now before I can post current things.

For now all you get is a tiny update. We moved to Utah...I had a rotation in Nephi and Gunnison with a General Surgeon...I am now in Hawaii at a different rotation. Stacey and the kids will be coming out next week. We will be here until the end of October.

I will try to post pictures within a week or so...but the beach may call louder than the blog so we will see.

I don't have the camera with me so I pulled an old picture off the blog, you will just have to imagine that I am in the same place 2 years later...I assure you it looks the same...(minus the baby until Stacey gets here with the kids).

Just another day in paradise. 


Anonymous said...

It's so cool to know you now work with a guy you shadowed.

Stacey said...

Nice post hubby! I'm glad your going to catch up on everything we've done in the last 2 months and not me!!! I'm super excited to be there with you on the beach!