Thursday, January 29, 2009

Just some random Pictures...

She already has a love for chocolate and has never had it!

This is her favorite sleeping position. This wasn't the best one, but sometimes her behind is a lot higher in the air.

She has become a real climber, since we don't have stairs she finds anything else she can climb on.
Just plain cute!

Fun at the beach with mom...

...and dad...

...with lots of sun...

...and don't forget the sand! Anniston loves the sand. It is her favorite. The funny thing is that she doesn't eat it she just likes the feeling up it and watching it run through her fingers. She loves to just take off crawling down the beach.


Anonymous said...

Anniston is getting so big. I love all the pictures. Keep them common.

Janelle said...

Wow! It looks like Anniston will be walking in no time!!! I can't believe her climbing abilities???

Heidi Gail Richhart said...

what a cutie! Stacey- our 10 year class reunion is coming up and i am on the planning committee and anyhow tyler payne asked me to spread the word and let everyone know and invite them to sign up for a profile and account. So we all can stay updated on reunion stuff. Also we have a class blog that address is:

so be looking for updates there and leave comments as well.

SherRon said...

She is getting so big. It will be fun for her to look at these pictures when she is older. what a great opportunity you have had in Hawaii. What great memories you will have for the rest of your lives. Way to go Adam on your graduation!!

Wood Fam said...

what a cute family! Anniston is adorable. I hope you guys are doing well!

The Tafuna Family said...

You are so lucky she doesn't eat it!!!Malachi munches the stuff down. We miss you in our ward!!!