Monday, September 28, 2009

non-picture post....

I know, I know...this is not characteristic of a normal post for our blog not to have a picture, just bare with me. I went home to a Delicious potato soup and peach cobbler for lunch today (I do have to say that Stacey is SO wonderful, she makes me a lunch and she and Anniston come and visit with me for my lunch break every day. She is the BEST wife ever!). As I was getting ready to leave, Stacey and Anniston walk over to say goodbye as I walked out the door. Anniston started reaching her arms to me to give me a hug, so I took her and gave her a hug then Stacey said, "give daddy a kiss and tell him bye bye." So Anniston turns to Stacey, waves "bye bye," and says "kiss" to Stacey and then puckers up waiting for mommy to give her a kiss. We just started laughing because it was kind of cute and funny, she was letting us know that she was going with dad. Well, Anniston just got the saddest face you have ever seen (which includes sticking out her bottom lip about as far as you can imagine), and then just started bawling. It was sad and funny all at the same time. Anniston has such sensitive feelings. Well after a few minutes of playing with her and getting her entertained, I finally said good bye again, this time Anniston said "bye-bye" followed by "kiss," so I gave her a kiss and ran out the door.
Anniston sure does know how to make you feel like a million! Who wouldn't feel loved after that!


Anonymous said...

Anniston is adorable. I just love how she knows what she wants. You're a great dad, and Stacey is an amazing Mom and wife.

Crystal & Brandon said...

oh that is so tender!!!

Anonymous said...

Big tears dropping on the keyboard. Good thing I am coming to see her tomorrow.