Saturday, October 2, 2010

General Conference

I love General Conference! It is a time when the prophet of God along with other people called of God speak the word of God to a world wide audience. It takes place this Saturday and Sunday. The first session was this morning and the second will be starting shortly. Again on Sunday there are two sessions. The sessions are 2 hours each starting at 10 am Mountain daylight time and 2 pm MDT. It is a great time to feel the love and peace that God has to offer and to let Him guide you in your life.

If anyone is interested in hearing this wonderful conference you can CLICK HERE to listen or to watch live the proceedings. Even if you can tune into it for a part of it, it will touch your life. If you catch this post after this weekend the link will still link you to the conference reports and you will be able to watch, read or listen to them.

In Galatians 5:22 it says, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith" I invite you to pay attention to those "fruits" as you may listen to the messages so that you may know they come from God.