Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Some beach pictures

So here is a handful of pictures from our first time to actually play in the water at the beach on this trip.

Here is our little mermaid Anniston

 So here is Jace...there is a story with this picture and the next...

Here we have rigged up our little umbrella for Jace. The chair he is on is tied to the umbrella to keep it from blowing away. Jace had been sleeping in here as you see it for about 45 minutes. Stacey and I were throwing a ball when a gust of wind came and lifted the umbrella, the chair, and thus Jace and dumped the chair and the car seat upside down...Stacey was closer and went running to him. I could see him with his little arm and head just hanging upside down as the handle held him suspended above the sand. Stacey turned him over and he was startled for a few seconds and then was laughing. Since no harm was done it was pretty funny. I wish we had a video or at least a picture of him hanging there. Needless to say we didn't keep him in that same arrangement after that.
(I maybe should add that he didn't go flying high in the air or anything it just was enough to tip everything over)

 My beautiful beach girls...

Anniston loves the water. She calls the ocean/beach "Hawaii" We will be sitting at home and she will say "I want to go to Hawaii" we tell her we are in Hawaii, but she says "No, Hawaii by the water"

Just hanging in the sun

Adam's sand castle that he started, but had to cut short because we had to leave.

King Kong crushing the castle...

Jace was hilarious...He LOVED the water and sand. We put his feet on the sand and the water would come wash up on his feet and legs and he just started smiling and laughing SO hard. He went on for about 3 or 4 minutes just laughing.

More of Jace with his feet in the water...

Daddy and the kids in Hawaii
OH how WE LOVE HAWAII. I thought it when I landed here and Stacey said it when she walked out to the beach the first day... "It feels like I just came home..."


Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous you are back in Hawaii. You're making me want to cry. I love the pictures and Jace's story is insane. Leave it to a baby boy to laugh at being flipped upside down.
He is so cute. I love his smile. What a great family you have. more pictures please. Keep them coming.

Wood Fam said...

what a beautiful family!