Wednesday, May 5, 2010

White Apron Ceremony?!?!

Inspired by the white coat ceremony and all of Stacey's hard work this past year, I had to find some way to honor Stacey and all that she accomplished this year, thus the "WHITE APRON CEREMONY."

Click on the image to make it bigger.

While I have been enrolled in a State Institution of higher learning, I also have been enrolled with Stacey and Anniston in an institution ordained by God, for even higher learning, "The Family." Stacey has been such a great wife and mother, especially over this last year, putting up with a PA student for a hubby. She truly deserves her "White Apron" as a token of her successful completion of her first year as the wife of a PA student.


Delahunty Family said...

I love it! Great idea!

Heidi Gail Richhart said...

I Love it as well! real sweet. I can tell how much he love's you. What a awesome husband.

Mom said...

I think Adam has the greatest wife ever as well!

Tara said...

That was sweet! Adam does have an amazing wife! Love you, Stacey!

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet. Way to go Stacey.

Dave said...

Adam and Stacey -- you two are awesome! Hope I can be just like you when I grow up.... but I'm afraid you are both out of my league!